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gumbootwireless.net is a not-for-profit community group with the sole purpose of providing affordable high-speed internet access to rural areas around Christchurch where no suitable alternatives are available.


Broadband internet is becoming widespread and affordable in urban areas but the distance to many rural properties is prohibitive for the delivery of broadband over the traditional copper pair (such as JetStream/ADSL. Check here to see if JetStream is available to you). When properties are a long distance from the phone exchange the only viable option is wireless delivery. gumbootwireless.net is the first wireless provider on the south end of the Port Hills. We are able to provide coverage to most southern areas ranging from Leeston to Halswell.

gumbootwireless.net Community

gumbootwireless.net is not a profit seeking company. We are a community of people who share the use of a wireless network. By using a community owned network and buying internet traffic in bulk the costs are lower than than through most commercial plans. All community members contribute either through effort or by contributing to the purchase of internet traffic. Thus the monthly cost may be free for those who actively contribute to the community and plans range from $25 to $40 for those who wish to contribute solely toward traffic purchases. See the FAQ for more information.


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